Miami Beach Votes Out Commissioner Targeted By Protesters Over Surfside Condo Collapse

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Miami Beach votes out commissioner targeted by protesters over Surfside condo collapse

Miami Beach City. commissioners voted out Ricky Arriola, whom protesters have frequently targeted since the Surfside condominium collapse.

Miami Beach voters have given the boot to Commissioner Ricky Arriola, who has been a frequent target of protesters since the Surfside condominium collapse last June that killed 98 people.

Arriola, who represents a district that includes the site of the Champlain Towers South collapse, lost his bid for reelection Tuesday to challenger David Richardson, a real estate agent and former city commissioner.

Richardson, who campaigned on a platform of improving public safety and transparency, received 53% of the vote to Arriola's 47%.

Protesters have been calling for Arriola's resignation since the collapse, accusing him of being too close to developers and of not doing enough to protect residents from dangerous buildings.

In the wake of the tragedy, Miami Beach has taken steps to strengthen its building codes and increase inspections of older buildings.

The city has also created a new Department of Building Safety and Compliance and hired a new building official.

Despite these efforts, some residents remain skeptical of the city's commitment to safety, and they continue to call for more action.