Opinion Poll Deutsch

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Opinion Poll Deutschland: Germans Divided on key issues

Poll highlights concerns over energy crisis and cost of living

A recent opinion poll conducted by Deutschland trend has revealed a divided German public on a range of key issues, including the ongoing energy crisis, the cost of living, and the government's response to these challenges.

Energy Crisis

The poll found that 45% of Germans believe that the government is not doing enough to address the energy crisis, while 32% approve of the government's handling of the situation. The poll also found that 60% of Germans are concerned about the impact of the energy crisis on their household budgets.

Cost of Living

The poll also found that 65% of Germans are concerned about the rising cost of living, with 40% saying that they are struggling to make ends meet. The poll also found that 55% of Germans believe that the government should be doing more to help people cope with the rising cost of living.

Government's Response

The poll also found that 45% of Germans believe that the government is not doing enough to address the challenges facing the country, while 30% approve of the government's performance. The poll also found that 50% of Germans believe that the government is out of touch with the concerns of ordinary people.


The Deutschland trend poll highlights the growing concerns among Germans about the energy crisis the cost of living, and the government's response to these challenges. The poll suggests that the government needs to do more to address these concerns and regain the trust of the German people.